Best in Class Event Technology with White Glove Support | Kingstad

Best in Class Event Technology with White Glove Support

The Event Guys provides technology advice and services for live event organizers, agencies, and associations. Our services include scouting and implementing new technologies, onsite/on call support, and ad hoc project management.

Cool New Wearable Presentation Technology: Bird

Watching the demo was like watching a scene from the movies “Minority Report” or “Iron Man” in real life.
— Sue Pelletier, MeetingsNet

I’ve seen some really cool meeting technology demos and pitches lately, both as a judge in the Event Tech of the Year contest and as an observer at the IMEX Pitch, but one new device that really knocks my socks off is an amazing little device called Bird that I got to see in action via Skype recently. Developed by an Israeli startup call MUV Interactive, Bird looks a little like the temperature sensor a doc slips on your finger during an office visit, and is activated with a tap.

Click here to read more from this blog post by Sue Pelletier in face2face at MeetingsNet.