Platforms & tech Solutions
Kingstad Event Specialists are highly proficient at implementing and managing a large list of event platforms and software solutions. Whether it’s registration, mobile event app, or a virtual event platform, we strive to deliver only the best results and experiences for our clients.
Our team is dedicated to ensuring that our clients are matched with the right solutions for their needs, so we invest a great deal of time vetting potential partners and then mastering their systems. Our clients benefit in many ways:
One Hand to Shake - a single point of contact for your entire event technology solution set. Think CSM for your Event Tech.
White Glove “Last Mile” Service - personalized attentive service that you won’t get from any software company
Choices - we work with a variety of solutions to meet the specific client need
Collective Clout - we have greater access to vendors to solve problems, escalate issues, and stay informed on upcoming enhancements.
Collective Wisdom/Applied Knowledge - every event brings new knowledge on how technology can be used and improved. We leverage and share that knowledge to optimize the solutions you’ve invested in.
While we’re platform agnostic and excel at a multitude of solutions, here’s a sample list of event tech platforms that our team has deep experience in: